@REM Excelへ転記
@echo off
REM #jww
REM #cd
REM #hm |間口奥行含|室名と面積|
REM #:1
REM #bz
REM #1ch 室名をクリックしてください。
REM #2ch 面積(A)をクリックしてください。
REM #3ch 間口(x)をクリックしてください。
REM #4ch 奥行(y)をクリックしてください。
REM #hr
REM #e
REM #:2
REM #bz
REM #1ch 室名をクリックしてください。
REM #2ch 面積(A)をクリックしてください。
REM #hr
REM #e
copy jwc_temp.txt temp.txt > nul
del jwc_temp.txt
WScript.exe Excelへ転記.vbs
----------------------- ↑この上まで
--- Excelへ転記.vbs --- ↓この下から
Option Explicit
Private myBookName, myBook
Private objApp, blnFlg
myBookName = "Excelへ転記.xls"
blnFlg = False
With WScript
myBook = Replace(.ScriptFullName, .ScriptName, myBookName)
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set objApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
On Error Goto 0
If IsEmpty(objApp) Then
With GetObject("", "EXcel.Application")
.Visible = True
End With
Set objApp = Nothing
End If
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
blnFlg = .AppActivate(myBookName)
End With
WScript.Sleep 100
If Not blnFlg Then
MsgBox myBookName & "が開かれていません。", vbExclamation, _
Exit Do
End If
With GetObject(myBook)
.Application.Run "'" & myBook & "'!Start"
End With
Loop Until True
Sub Start()
Dim myFile As String, ss As String, strtemp() As String
Dim myFlg As Boolean
Dim myCount As Long, i As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim myTitle As Variant, v As Variant
myTitle = Array("室名", "面積[A]", "間口[x]", "奥行[y]")
myFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "temp.txt"
Open myFile For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, ss
If myFlg Then
Select Case True
Case ss Like "c[hvs]*"
myCount = myCount + 1
strtemp = Split(ss, " ", 6)
v(myCount) = Mid$(strtemp(5), 2)
End Select
Select Case True
Case ss Like "hp[0-9]*"
myCount = myCount + 1
Case ss = "bz"
ReDim v(1 To myCount)
myFlg = True
myCount = 0
End Select
End If
Close #1
If myCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With Sheet1
With .Range("A1")
For i = 1 To 4
If IsEmpty(.Item(1, i).Value) Then .Item(1, i).Value = _
myTitle(i - 1)
LastRow = .CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
End With
With .Range("A" & LastRow + 1).Resize(, UBound(v))
.Value = v
End With
End With
End Sub